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Argumentative essay about same sex marriage

Argumentative essay about same sex marriage

argumentative essay about same sex marriage

Web23/02/ · There are so many reasons that same-sex marriage shouldn’t even be a discussion such as; marriage is or procreation, same-sex marriage isn’t the optimum WebSame-sex marriage in the U.S. is argued in the courts and homes quite a bit nowadays. The reason it is argued so much is because people believe it is wrong and should not be Web4/01/ · Conclusion. Same sex marriage is a human right that should be enjoyed just like traditional heterosexual marriages. It protects the legal rights of lesbian and gay couples

Argumentative Essay About Same Sex Marriage | WOW Essays

We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Buy now, save instantly, get the job done on time! Type of paper: Argumentative Essay. Topic: FamilyMarriageGay MarriageLoveRelationshipsLawSocial IssuesSame Sex Marriage. Pages: 7. Words: A question about same-sex marriage is becoming one of the most debated and controversial topics in modern society. I think that same-sex marriages are unnatural and wrong from the view of morality, ethics, and religion. The institution of family is one of the most solid pillars which hold society, one of its core institutions. Sadly, according to the statistics marriage as an institution is already struggling and argumentative essay about same sex marriage half of all of marriages end up with a divorce.

It shows that family values start to fade, ethics is being underestimated, and moral standards of the 21st century person are changing for worse, going back to depraved norms of Roman times. Marriage is a union between a man and a woman; do we really want to change this definition? Abandon hundreds of years of western tradition? Of course homosexuality exists and this is not an issue anyone can change. This is something we have to accept as a fact. Some opponents say that legal recognition of same-sex marriage was one of the primary factors of collapse in marriage rates in the countries where the law is already passed. Looking at the issue from the legal point of view every human being should be equally treated by law. According to Jack McKinney "marriage is such a basic civil right that no state is justified in denying this right to people based on discriminatory classifications" Advocates of the issue say that homosexuals seem to have only a partial citizenry status in modern society just like African American and women at some point of our history.

They claim us to have created a class of citizen with unequally low argumentative essay about same sex marriage in comparison to the rest. But is it the way it really is? The argument is not whether civil rights for homosexuals exist, without any doubts they do. because of all of these difficulties alternative forms of marriage, such as civil union or domestic partnership become more widely spread. Proponents of the same-sex marriage see its legal recognition as an evolution of marriage but is it indeed an evolution argumentative essay about same sex marriage not degradation? Homosexual union goes against the biological meaning of marriage, the aim of which is procreation.

That is why same-sex marriage is in a way a self-contradiction already, as such union is incapable of bearing children. And this brings one of the most controversial aspects of the issue: children adoption. Should same-sex couples be argumentative essay about same sex marriage to be foster parents? Do they serve as good role models and which values do they teach their kids? But even if those parents can provide their adopted kids with normal life and decent upbringing, their children may still face many difficulties and go through serious psychological trauma as they have to go through peer judgment, misunderstanding, and prejudices.

How do they feel when everyone else has their mother and father but their family is different. How do they perceive their families? How the others do? Even though they tend to say that there is no significant difference in upbringing in same-gender family as compared to traditional one, some studies, for instance the one, published in American Sociological Review from Apr. It is also argumentative essay about same sex marriage known that children tend to perform better when they are raised by both biological parents, when they have both mother and father. There is also a common concern that legal recognition of same-sex marriages can also serve as an impetus for accepting polygamy.

People think that if society permits same-gender marriage, then it may cause more changes in traditional understanding of marriage. In a broader sense, same-sex marriage could lead down a slippery slop causing unpredicted consequences. Many opponents of the issue say that if we accept this as a norm now then what is going to be the next demand? Where is this path leading and where are the boundaries? Public debate continues, involving legislators, media, and Church. Yet most emotional reactions and two loudest voices arguing on the issue come from gay community and religious community.

Church is one of the main opponents of the issue and most arguments of the issue overall are based on biblical ground addressing the scripture which cannot be disconfirmed. Bible addresses homosexuality seeing it as unnatural, condemned and wrong, as a sin against God and human nature LeviticusDeuteronomyRomans The most common religious argument against same-gender union revolves around scripture. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. It is very controversial whether marriage should be viewed a religious or civic act. For many centuries, starting from the Middle Ages marriage was a prerogative of the Church which had complete control over it.

Long lasting tradition created generally accepted roles for each spouse within relationship. With the increase of same-sex marriage tendency those traditional roles become blended and blurred. Homosexual couples are asking for the same legal status as other couples. But they go beyond that, argumentative essay about same sex marriage. Some churches now even offer to perform marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples. And the number of those religious denominations who conduct same-sex marriages is increasing. Does it mean that church is trying to modernize its assertions and go hand in hand with the social changes that take place in modern society?

Or is it a signifier of a crisis, a complete reversal of values and principles which occurs even within religious institution? Yet most people who consider themselves to be convinced members of any religious denomination view same-sex marriage as a legal or official encroachment of Christian values. Marriage is a cultural symbol, part of a cultural model typical for Western civilization. Americans are profoundly divided when it comes to the question about same-gender marriage. Supporters of the idea want a judicial declaration of their rights. Those, argumentative essay about same sex marriage, who are opposed to the idea want an amendment which prohibits from recognizing same-sex marriages.

Disagreements seem to be never-ending and profound. It seems that more and more states tend to support the issue. After the growth of gay rights movement in s homosexuality got public attention and became something if not acceptable than at least tolerated and less stereotyped. Now it is constantly being advertised and promoted in mass media. The number of its advocates grows respectively. According to Nate Silver From topublic support for gay marriage increased at a rate of 1 to 1. Netherlands was the first country to officially legalize same-sex marriage in By now, with recent decision of Rhode Island, same-gender marriage is legalized in 10 American states. Fifty years ago themes on homosexuality were prohibited in Hollywood movies, attitudes change, and nowadays media is one of the most effective tools of its propaganda.

Now opponents of same-sex marriage are being criticized, blamed to be full of unreasonable prejudice, stigmatized as bigots with narrow secular ideology only because they are trying to preserve traditional norms and values which they grew up on. Debate over the current topic has been one of the prominent issues of our society for past few decades. The question about legalizing same-sex marriages is very ambivalent. It brings a lot of arguments draws drastic emotions. I still believe that opposite-sex marriage is the only appropriate norm of marriage. Every child should have a right for a normal traditional family, should have a right for having a mommy and a daddy because the quality of their nurture and upbringing is directly tied to the quality of life within society.

We have to promote the image of stable family, healthy environment for raising children, sufficiency of ethics; we have to preserve traditional moral norms and values. It is not about discrimination or intolerance, homosexuality exists and we have to accept this fact, but its legal recognition will mean its support and promotion. As a society we have to seek to preserve and strengthen the institution of marriage. In this way we are strengthening our future and future of our children. That is why I am completely against same-sex marriage and its legalization.

Andryszewski, Tricia. Same-Sex Marriage: Moral Wrong or Civil Right? Same-Sex Marriage and Religion: An Inappropriate Relationship, argumentative essay about same sex marriage. A Journal of Undergraduate Work. Vol 1, No 3, Chauncey, George. Why Marriage? Same-Sex Marriage: Legal Mobilization, and the Politics of Law. New York: Peter Lang, Morgan, Patricia, argumentative essay about same sex marriage. Gay marriage will destabilise family life, sociologist warns. The Telegraph, Mar McKinney, Jack, argumentative essay about same sex marriage. A Christian Case For Same-Sex Marriage. Argumentative essay about same sex marriage Baird and Rosenbaum, eds.

New York: Prometheus Books, Silver, Nate.

Libertarian Views on Same-Sex Marriage

, time: 3:21

Same-Sex Marriage Argumentative Essay Example | GraduateWay

argumentative essay about same sex marriage

WebArgumentative Essay On Same Sex Marriage Argumentative Essay On Gay Marriage. We live in a very controversial time when it comes to same sex marriages. This Gay WebSame-sex marriage in the U.S. is argued in the courts and homes quite a bit nowadays. The reason it is argued so much is because people believe it is wrong and should not be WebThis Argumentative essay will discuss about the argument of same sex marriage. The contents are: meaning, brief background and thesis statement for the Introduction; for the

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