WebNov 18, · Cause and Effect: Smoking. Smoking causes respiratory problems, circulatory system difficulties, and urinary troubles increasing the fact that smoking WebJan 28, · Cigarette smoking is the number one cause of preventable disease and death worldwide. Smoking-related diseases claim more than , American lives WebA preventable cause of death, cigarette smoking kills more persons than accidents caused due motor vehicle accidents, alcohol consumption, illegal drug use, deaths involving
Smoking Cause and Effect Essay Sample - Disadvantages of Smoking Essay
Smoking is a major cause of death in the USA. It causes cancer, heart disease, and stroke which are all very serious illnesses that can lead to premature death. This essay will discuss different aspects of smoking and how it affects you on a day-to-day basis as well as long-term effects such as cancer and heart disease. Smoking cigarettes is one of the leading causes of premature death in the United States. The most dangerous problem that is continuously responsible for killing people is smoking. This is a problem of not any one or two or group of countries but it is affecting the people globally.
People are very well aware of the serious effects caused by it, but then too they get addicted to it. Sometimes people just start it as fun and it ends as an addiction to the person. There are various local and international brands available for people to smoke but all have bad impacts of their own. As we discussed above that sometimes people start smoking just as fun. But there are people who start smoking because of high BP, personal issues, stress, etc. Smoking helps them to cope up with their tensions. Many students and boys start smoking just because of their bad friend circle and to show off. One-Time smoking can lead to more smoking which also acts as supreme addiction. The reason for attracting smoking teenagers is that they want to stay fit.
Cause and effect essay about smoking see their friends smoking and think that it makes them look cool amongst their friends. Also, it makes them free from all the tensions and worries. It causes major health problems in human cause and effect essay about smoking. Cigarettes are a rich source of nicotine and carbon monoxide that has very bad and intense effects on the heart and lungs. If pregnant women engage in consuming cigarettes. It can have a very impact on them such as:. The people who smoke look normally older as of their actual age because of reason that their blood vessels are half blocked and calcified. Placental abruptions are the most commonly found health problems in people indulging in smoking. Cigarette contains a great amount of carbon monoxide. As people smoke, the oxygen present in their blood is replaced by carbon monoxide that causes serious health problems.
Get Non-Plagiarized Custom Essay on Smoking in USA Order Now. Smoking is also cause and effect essay about smoking for lowering down the blood in the human heart. And it creates a high pressure on the heart to continue its normal functioning. It results in high blood pressure in the person. Cigarette consumption has a great impact on the cardiovascular system of a person. Damaging the cardiovascular system also results in high blood pressure and hypertension. It also causes many heart diseases. Cigarette also consists of tobacco which inside contains tobacco and many other harmful chemicals. Nicotine is responsible for narrowing down the blood vessel as compared to its normal size. The narrow blood vessels are responsible for causing hypertension which in turn results in paralysis and heart strokes.
Cigarette smoking also badly impacts the quality of blood of a person. It also can increase the cholesterol level of the smoker and is also responsible for making clots in the heart. All these can also affect other parts of the body and can also cause a heart attack. Also see: Free Sample Essay on Breast Cancer. The cigarette contains a combination of nicotine and carbon monoxide that results in anxious heart blood vessels and increased heart rate. It also restricts the transmission of oxygen to other different parts of the body of a person.
Cigarette smoking also increases the risks of death of a person. There are lakhs of people who die per year all over the world because of smoking, cause and effect essay about smoking. We can also say smoking is a slow poison. Buy Customized Essay on Smoking At Cheapest Price Order Now. Cause and effect essay about smoking cigarette which is loved to get consumed by people every day worldwide contains more than toxic and harmful substances. They are:. If a pregnant lady smokes, it refrains the amount of nutrition that a newborn baby can get from his mother. It causes major problems in late pregnancy when the development of the baby is becoming very slow.
The nicotine present in the cigarette has a bad impact on the development of nerve cells. It can also lead to problems such as brain malformations etc. Babies born from mothers who smoke can bear prematurely and may face serious learning problems in the whole of their lives. Smoking is a very bad habit that once adopted by a person is tough to drop out. But it is very necessary for human beings to quit this bad habit to prevent themselves from dangerous diseases. A person has to accomplish practices of months to stop affecting from such problems, cause and effect essay about smoking.
The school or college or young generation who smoke because of fashion, they should now understand the fact that it can damage your cause and effect essay about smoking from inside and may lead to serious problems. A single bad habit can lead you to harmful diseases such as cancer. Hire USA Experts for Smoking Essay Order Now. This essay has discussed some of the main causes and effects of smoking on your body, cause and effect essay about smoking. The dangers of smoking, the effects on health and society are all negative. The best professional USA based essay writers of Students Assignment Help write the perfect originally done paper for the students. Students can get our research paper writing servicecoursework writing servicesand assignment editing servicescause and effect essay about smoking, and much other writing help.
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How To Write A Cause And Effect Essay (Definition + Topics + Outline)
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WebNov 29, · Smoking rates are highest, approaching 30%, among women of reproductive age (18–44 years). Rates of smoking are particularly high among young White women WebFeb 25, · The first cause of smoking which is Nicotine is an addictive and harmful substance contained in cigarettes. It reduces tension and it is also believed that it can WebThe number one cause of lung cancer is smoking. Smoking is also known to cause leukemia (Effects of Smoking on Your Health). Approximately one out of every three
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