Web8/03/ · The novel Catcher in the Rye explores how adult life appears complex and incomprehensible to teenagers on the brink of entering it. Through the main protagonist WebCatcher in The Rye Plot Symbolism The Catcher in the Rye Symbolism and Plot The year is , and sixteen-year-old Holden Wald is beginning his new school year is WebThe Theme of Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger In the novel Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, the protagonist Holden Caulifield views the world as an evil corrupt place where
A Catcher in the Rye Theme - Free Essay Example - Words | blogger.com
Teenage years; a quest for self identity, a sense of self. Teenagers use vulgar language, and are more rebellious than they were in their earlier years. In the essay on Catcher in the Ryea 16 year old boy by the name of Holden tells his narrative from the lonely walls of a sanatorium. Holden tells about his journey with sex, catcher in the rye theme essay, drinking, depression, and sexual abuse. However, A Catcher in the Rye deals with problems teenagers face on a daily basis, it teaches a valuable lesson, catcher in the rye theme essay, and students are able to reason with the novel.
Therefore, this novel should not be banned. In A Catcher in the Rye, Holden experiences problems that many teenagers experience on a day to day basis. Additionally, teens abuse alcohol more than any other drug. Also, according to ranin. org, 1 out of 9 females under the age catcher in the rye theme essay 18 experience sexual abuse and 1 out of 53 males under the age of 18 experience sexual abuse. Our writers can help you with any type of essay. For any subject Get your price How it works. Although he feels lonesome, neglected, alienated and depressed, he never reached out for help. His depression even got to a point where he was violent.
Holden smashed windows and screamed at his friends. He became distant with his family. However, only thirty percent of those teens seek treatment. Teens feel many of the emotions that Holden feels. Teenagers also express themselves in the way that Holden does. In a final analysis, this novel should not be banned. A Catcher in the Rye is a classic novel that deals with real world problems, despite how harsh it may seem. Holden experiences the emotions and problems that many teenagers face, his situation could be a lesson to the students going through similar tribulations, and the students reading the novel can relate to him. For any subject. How it works. Need a custom essay on the same topic?
Catcher in the Rye Essay Directions
, time: 9:07Catcher in the Rye Theme Essay | Teen Ink
Web20/01/ · Themes in Catcher in the Rye The first major theme in the novel is innocence. Throughout the story Holden tries to protect the children from having to grow WebThe Catcher in the Rye examines the fine line between everyday teenage angst and serious depression or unhappiness. Throughout the novel, Holden refers to himself as a WebThe Theme of Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger In the novel Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, the protagonist Holden Caulifield views the world as an evil corrupt place where
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