May 24, · One of the most significant benefits of studying abroad is the opportunity to meet new lifelong friends from different backgrounds. While studying abroad, you will attend Studying abroad has become an extremely popular study option amongst university students. While studying abroad is extremely expensive, it exposes students to a wide range of people, Studying abroad will allow you to develop skills and experience that will help you to achieve your education and career. Studying abroad is the best when they see, hear and know more. At
Study Abroad Essay Samples and Application Ideas | EduZaurus
We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Buy now, save instantly, get the job done on time! Type of paper: Essay. Topic: United StatesChallengesSkillsStudentsExperienceEnglishEducation studying abroad essay, Study. Pages: 9. Words: It has long been my ambition to studying abroad essay abroad, and to undertake my studies in an English-speaking country, as my primary objective has always been to improve my English language capabilities so that my fluency in that important global language would be increased. Studying abroad essay would also fulfil my second objective — to obtain a Western education, which is highly valued in the world of business.
So you might imagine my delight at obtaining a scholarship in my first choice of overseas country for my studies — the United States of America. A major obstacle to my dreams and those of others like me following a similar educational path can be the initial language barrier. In my opinion and personal experience that is the greatest obstacle of all. The following paragraphs discuss that issue and related issues in some detail, including referring to existing literature on the subject, in order to illustrate the real problems associated with language faced by Saudi students in the U.
Taking my own experience for the moment, studying abroad essay, my arrival in the U. from Saudi Arabia was less than auspicious. Not knowing whether anyone would be meeting me on arrival at the airport to begin my life in Harrisonburg, Virginia was a really scary situation. That was particularly the case because my English at that time was very poor, studying abroad essay. Fortunately there was someone to meet me — the person designated as the head of my homestay family. However, my English really was totally inadequate at that stage and even basic communication confirming my name to him when he approached was difficult for me.
McDowall, Jun. Whilst formal language education can be a great help, another problem you might encounter is the extensive use of colloquial expressions or slang. Such things can make that initial learning period troublesome, studying abroad essay, but it is definitely helpful to be immersed in the host language i. to speak and be surrounded by that language only which will accelerate the learning process. Specific language difficulties experienced by Saudi students studying abroad essay in the U, studying abroad essay. She reports that the studies identified five areas regarding the students living in the U. These areas are: a experiences before and after coming to the U. as international students; b experiences of life in the U. Item d in the areas identified by Heyn included discussion of the language barrier — studying abroad essay main focus of this essay.
Another student — Abdullah — whilst acknowledging that learning another language is not easy, studying abroad essay, mentioned his particular difficulties that in Arabic the studying abroad essay runs from right to left the opposite of English and the letters are completely different. He found that he had a significant studying abroad essay with the speed at which the professors speak, and he admits to having been reluctant to ask them to speak slower and to ask what he feels they would view as a lot of questions about what they had said. He also commented that when did find the courage to ask questions, his accent — being so different to the American students in his classes — caused him to receive looks from them that he found unwelcome.
Ahmed found presenting to his class embarrassing and that he tended to avoid questions afterwards if at all possible. Redden May notes that many Saudi students arrive in the United States for their studies, with poor English and math skills, studying abroad essay. Also that there are many more such students coming to the U. as a consequence of the language training funded by the King Abdullah Foreign Scholarship Program in addition to the funding for degree studies, studying abroad essay. Their studies to some extent can be compromised by those low skill levels and by their cultural values being markedly different to those prevailing in the U. McManus Nov. However, in terms of language barriers, similar issues arise.
Another look at the situation from an English-speaking perspective is offered by Goodman and Nevadomski Berdan New York Times, Oct. Goodman, Allan, E. and Nevadomski Berdan, Stacie. Further, that U. students actually study studying abroad essay, which is nowhere near enough. However, the author cautions that to be effective it should an integrated part of education with appropriate preparation and follow-up. Heyn, Molly, Elizabeth. Through in depth interviews, Heyn discovers the typical problems that arise, of which the language barrier is one of the most significant. The paper reveals some of the issues that these students face and have to overcome, in order to successfully complete their studies and to become fluent in English. McDowall, Angus. The scholarship funding pays the education fees for the students and gives them a monthly allowance, and where applicable pays for their family to accompany them.
Women granted scholarships to study abroad are required to have a male companion travel with them, studying abroad essay. McManus, Luke. html McManus reports that compared with UK university tuition fees, overseas equivalents can be a lot more studying abroad essay. In his own case, he swapped a studying abroad essay £9, per annum at a UK university for £1, at the University of Jordan in Amman, noting not only the high educational standards, but also the affordable costs of living. Though language barriers can be a problem, that can be overcome. There are also the potential risks arising from political instability in the host country, but overall the benefits have the edge.
Redden, Elizabeth. May due to the King Abdullah scholarships available in Saudi Arabia, but notes also that many arrive with poor English language and math skills, and having cultural values alien to those prevailing in the U. Requirements for English language competence have been tightened, as well as providing other measures to help such students catch up. Those include providing conversation practice and dedicated courses for different industry-specific English courses. Strom-Olsen, Rolf, Dr. The right choice may give you access to friends in many other countries. Also check that the faculty has a similar diversity to the students. He notes that international universities tend to have small class sizes, studying abroad essay, improving interaction between professors and students, and a better campus lifestyle, although resources and facilities could be limited, studying abroad essay.
The language is usually English — ideal if you aspire to improve your English skills. He cautions that some careers are better served by studying at major national universities instead. On the plus side, studying at an international institution can be culturally rewarding. Also, studying abroad essay, he recommends talking to existing students if you can — to seek firsthand opinion. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Password recovery email has been sent to email email. Don't waste time. HIRE A WRITER Sign in. Blog Free Essay Examples current How It Works About Us Who We Are Contact Studying abroad essay Our Writers Our Guarantees FAQ Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Our Services.
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Studying abroad has become an extremely popular study option amongst university students. While studying abroad is extremely expensive, it exposes students to a wide range of people, Apr 2, · It has long been my ambition to study abroad, and to undertake my studies in an English-speaking country, as my primary objective has always been to improve my English Jan 15, · My opinion is that studying abroad can only bring more advantages than disadvantages because it is a lifetime opportunity to experience something different and enjoy
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